NCVT ITI NIMI Mock Test All Trades 2025 - ITI Mock Test
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ITI NIMI Mock Test
ITI NIMI Mock Test
ITI NIMI Mock Test
ITI NIMI Mock Test
ITI NIMI Mock Test
Mechanic Diesel
ITI NIMI Mock Test
Dress Making
ITI NIMI Mock Test
Electronic Mechanic
ITI NIMI Mock Test
Sewing Technology
ITI NIMI Mock Test
Draughtsman Civil
ITI NIMI Mock Test
Draughtsman Mechanical
ITI NIMI Mock Test
Instrument Mechanic
ITI NIMI Mock Test
NCVT Online ITI Updates
NCVT ITI NIMI Mock Test Online All Trades
If you are doing ITI (Industrial Training Institute) from NCVT, then you can prepare for your exam by giving NIMI Mock Test for your upcoming NCVT ITI CBT Exam through our website From here, students of both NCVT ITI Mock Test 1st Year and NCVT ITI Mock Test 2nd Year can prepare for the upcoming exams by giving mock tests.
Here you can give test topic wise of all your subjects like Theory, Workshop Calculation and Science and Employability Skills. All the questions in this Mock Test are from the Question Bank released by NIMI. If you practice it after giving test, then it will be very important for your upcoming exam. This mock test will be in both Hindi and English languages.
How to give ITI NIMI Mock Test?
To give ITI NIMI Mock Test Online, follow the information given below.
- First of all, you have to come to our
- After coming here, you will select your trade. Select any one like Electrician, Fitter, Turner, Electronic Mechanic etc.
- Now click on your year from 1st Year and 2nd Year.
- Now you will see the subject of your trade. Click on the subject for which you want to give the test.
- After this you will get all the topics of that subject, click on any one and proceed further.
- Now click on Start Test. After this the test will start. Whenever you answer a question wrongly, you will get to see the correct answer.
NCVT ITI NIMI Mock Test 1st Year
If you are a student of NCVT ITI 1st Year and want to give NIMI Mock Test 1st Year, then select your trade from the trade name in the above table. After this you can give NIMI Mock Test 1st Year test by selecting ITI NIMI Mock Test 1st Year. From here all trade students of ITI First Year can give NIMI Mock Test.
NCVT ITI NIMI Mock Test 2nd Year
If you are a student of NCVT ITI 2nd Year and want to give NIMI Mock Test 2nd Year, then select your trade from the trade name in the table given above. After this you can give NIMI Mock Test 2d Year test by selecting ITI NIMI Mock Test 2nd Year. From here all trade students of ITI 2nd Year can give NIMI Mock Test.
NCVT ITI Mock Test Electrician – NIMI Mock Test
If you are a student of ITI Electrician Trade then you can give ITI Electrician NIMI Mock Test very easily from here. This test will be subject wise. Mock test of both ITI Electrician Mock Test 1st Year and ITI Electrician Mock Test 2nd Year can be given in Hindi and English medium. To give online mock test, select Electrician in the trade given above.
As all of you students know that there is total 4 subject exams in ITI Electrician. 1. Trade Theory 2. Engineering Drawing 3. Employability Skills, 4. Workshop Calculation and Science. Also, you should know that from which subject how many marks of Online CBT Exam is conducted.
The total number of questions in Theory is 38, the total number of questions in Employability Skills is 25, the total number of questions in Engineering Drawing and Workshop Calculation is 6 each. For each correct answer you get two points. That means there are total 75 questions of 150 marks.
NCVT ITI Mock Test Fitter
If you are a student of NCVT ITI Fitter Trade and want to prepare for your upcoming NCVT CBT Exam, then you can give ITI Fitter Mock Test from here. You can give Fitter Mock Test in both Hindi and English languages. All the questions in this are from NIMI Question Bank which is important for all you students. Select your trade fitter to give the test. After this, select the year for which the test is to be given and proceed further.
NCVT ITI Mock Test Turner Online
If you are a student of NCVT ITI Turner Trade, then you can prepare for your upcoming NCVT CBT Exam through Mock Test. This mock test is in both Hindi and English languages. Which you can easily understand and prepare for your exam. All the questions available in the mock test are from NIMI Question Bank. Which is very important for your examination. Select Turner Trade to give it a test.
NCVT ITI Mock Test COPA Online
COPA Trade in ITI (Industrial Training Institute) is of 1 year. If you are also a student of ITI COPA Trade, then you can practice by giving mock tests to prepare for your upcoming NCVT ITI CBT Exam. All the questions in this are from NIMI Question Bank. Questions in this Mock Test are in both Hindi and English languages. You can easily understand it and practice Copa Mock Test.
ITI Mock Test Wireman Online
If you are a student of ITI Wireman Trade, then you can give NIMI Mock Test from here. From here you can give mock test of all your subjects like Theory, Workshop Calculation and Science, Employability Skills of both 1st Year and 2nd Year. NIMI Mock Test Select the above trade to give Wireman Mock Test. After this, select your year and topic and give the mock test.
ITI Welder Online Test in Hindi
If you are a student of ITI welder trade, then you can easily give ITI Welder Online Test from here in both Hindi and English medium. All the questions available in it are from NIMI Question Bank. Which is important for all you students. To give Welder NIMI Mock Test, select your welder trade from the trade given above.
ITI NIMI Mock Test in Hindi and English
You can give ITI NIMI Mock Test in both Hindi and English languages. When you select your trade and give NIMI Mock Test, then all those questions will be in both Hindi and English. Which you can give the understanding test very easily. Also, let us tell you that all the questions available in this test are very important for your upcoming NCVT CBT Exam.
NIMI Mock Test Questions and Answers
When you give NCVT ITI NIMI Mock Test, you will see both questions and answers. Along with the question, you will see four options in the answer, out of which you have to choose only one option, which will be the answer to that question. If you choose the wrong answer, the correct answer will be shown in green, which will be the answer to that question. In this way you can read NIMI Mock Test Questions and Answers.
From here you can give NCVT ITI NIMI Mock Test Online through your mobile, laptop and desktop. All the questions available in NIMI Mock Test are very important for your upcoming NCVT ITI CBT Exam. If you practice NIMI Mock Test very well, you will score very good marks in ITI NCVT CBT Exam.
NCVT ITI NIMI Question Bank Download All Trade
If you want to download NIMI Question Bank, then all ITI Trade students can download NIMI Question Bank through the link given below. All the questions in this mock test are from NIMI only. Therefore, along with the test, you can also practice from PDF Notes. To download NIMI Question Bank, click on the download link given below.
NCVT ITI Result and Certificate Download
You can also see the result released by NCVT through our website. Along with this, you can also download all the ITI certificates issued by NCVT through the link given here. To see the result or download the ITI certificate, click on the link given below.
We hope that you liked all the information given in this article. Through this article you can give NCVT ITI NIMI Mock Test. To give Mock Test, select your trade from the trades given above. If you are a student of NCVT ITI, then you are connected with us. Here you will get all the updates related to ITI.
FAQs – ITI NIMI Mock Test
What is NIMI Mock Test?
NIMI Mock Test Online is a series of practice tests designed to help candidates prepare for the NCVT ITI CBT exam. These Mock Tests are based on the latest NCVT Syllabus and question pattern. You can give this Mock Test on
Are NIMI Mock Test helpful for ITI CBT exam preparation?
Yes, when you give regular mock tests to prepare for ITI exam, and practice well. Then you can get good marks in your examination.
Are Nimi mock tests free?
You can give ITI NIMI Mock Test absolutely free on